MRI Safety & Training

MRI Safety Training


Your lab must have one of the following:


An active MRI study here at the ALBMC

A study must be submitted/under review by BMC faculty or already approved


Click here to submit a study to the ALBMC database (requires a database account)

Volunteer Researchers ONLY
Must complete the UCLA Hospital Volunteer Office On-Boarding




Request a ALBMC database account here 

Once your account has been approved, your PI will need to add you to his/her personnel list in order for you to be linked to your group’s study (if you are the PI, you will not need to do this).


Contact Trent Thixton, the Lead MRI Technologist, to request MRI safety training.




Safety training is a 3 step process and typically takes 2-3 weeks to complete.


MRI Safety Manual review, viewing the MRI Safety Video and MRI Safety quiz

After studying the ALBMC MRI Safety Manual, you will watch a 1-hour MR Safety Video Online. You will then immediately take our MR Safety Quiz online in the same session.

Click to link to the ALBMC MRI Safety Manual


MRI Scanner Orientation

After passing the MRI Safety quiz, you will be scheduled for a group “Virtual” scanner orientation session over ZOOM that will include reviewing MRI Safety issues in the MRI environment as well as a Virtual Tour of the MR suite.


Final MRI Safety Walk-through

After your MRI Scanner Orientation is completed you will then schedule a Virtual “Final Safety Walk-through” with one of our Faculty members which will take place over ZOOM (contact information for scheduling the walk-through will be given out at the completion of the MRI Scanner session).

This is typically a 15 minute Question and Answer session in which you will be asked questions relevant to MRI safety.




Once a year (on or before the anniversary of your MRI Safety Certification date) you will need to recertify. This is done online via the Brain Mapping Database.


Download and review the MRI Safety Manual

Log onto the BMC Database

At the left side of the screen you will see "Safety", click the "MR Safety Recertification" link and take the quiz.