mMR Study Flow Chart

Step 1
Request a ALBMC database account
Step 2
Submit new projects to the ALBMC database
Submit new projects to the ALBMC database under the primary PI's account (this PI must stay consistent throughout the project submission)
Step 3
-Input your consent form(s) and IRB approval notice into the database under the same Primary PI's account
-Send a copy of documents to Mary Susselman via email for review (include MRSC approval)
Step 4
Set up an ALBMC external fund in the ALBMC database under the same Primary PI's account
For help please contact: Ludmila Budilo
Step 5
Add personnel to your project in the ALBMC database under the same Primary PI's account then
Step 7
A. Send scan sequence details and/or exar1 if available to
B. Start scheduling - check calendar availability prior to scheduling
** Important to review all details **