Systems biology of the vervet monkey.
Jasinska AJ; Schmitt CA; Service SK; Cantor RM; Dewar K; Jentsch JD; Kaplan JR; Turner TR; Warren WC; Weinstock GM; Woods RP; Freimer NB; ILAR journal / National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. 2013-Dec; 54(122-43):2
Nonhuman primates (NHP) provide crucial biomedical model systems intermediate between rodents and humans. The vervet monkey (also called the African green monkey) is a widely used NHP model that has unique value for genetic and genomic investigations of traits relevant to human diseases. This article describes the phylogeny and population history of the vervet monkey and summarizes the use of both captive and wild vervet monkeys in biomedical research. It also discusses the effort of an international collaboration to develop the vervet monkey as the most comprehensively phenotypically and genomically characterized NHP, a process that will enable the scientific community to employ this model for systems biology investigations.
24174437 doi:
BMAP Author
Roger Woods M.D.