
Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy

Christov-Moore L, Reggente N, Vaccaro A, Schoeller F, Pluimer B, Douglas PK, Iacoboni M, Man K, Damasio A, Kaplan JT.
Science Robotics. 2023-Jul-12; 8:80
Given the accelerating powers of artificial intelligence (AI), we must equip artificial agents and robots with empathy to prevent harmful and irreversible decisions. Current approaches to artificial empathy focus on its cognitive or performative processes, overlooking affect, and thus promote sociopathic behaviors. Artificially vulnerable, fully empathic AI is necessary to prevent sociopathic robots and protect human welfare.
PMID: 37436969    doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.abq3658

BMAP Author

Marco Iacoboni
Marco Iacoboni M.D. Ph.D.