

Joshi SH; Marquina AL; Osher SJ; Dinov I; Toga AW; Van Horn JD;
Proceedings / ICIP ... International Conference on Image Processing. 2011-Sep-14; (1165-1168)
We present a novel edge preserved interpolation scheme for fast upsampling of natural images. The proposed piecewise hyperbolic operator uses a slope-limiter function that conveniently lends itself to higher-order approximations and is responsible for restricting spatial oscillations arising due to the edges and sharp details in the image. As a consequence the upsampled image not only exhibits enhanced edges, and discontinuities across boundaries, but also preserves smoothly varying features in images. Experimental results show an improvement in the PSNR compared to typical cubic, and spline-based interpolation approaches.
PMID: 22323066    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038207

BMAP Author

Shantanu Joshi
Shantanu Joshi Ph.D.