
Emission tomography contribution to clinical neurology.

Iacoboni M; Baron JC; Frackowiak RS; Mazziotta JC; Lenzi GL;
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 1999-Jan; 110(2-23):1
The role of functional neuroimaging techniques in furthering the understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of neurological diseases and in the assessment of neurological patients is increasingly important. Here, we review data mainly from emission tomography techniques, namely positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT), that have helped elucidate the pathophysiology of a number of neurological diseases and have suggested strategies in the treatment of neurological patients. We also suggest possible future developments of functional neuroimaging applied to clinical populations and briefly touch on the emerging role of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in clinical neurology and neurosurgery.
PMID: 10348316    doi: 17116

BMAP Authors

John Mazziotta
John Mazziotta M.D., Ph.D.
Marco Iacoboni
Marco Iacoboni M.D. Ph.D.