
Deep brain stimulation for Tourette syndrome.

Kim W; Pouratian N;
Neurosurgery clinics of North America. 2014-Jan; 25(117-35):1
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a movement disorder characterized by repetitive stereotyped motor and phonic movements with varying degrees of psychiatric comorbidity. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a novel therapeutic intervention for patients with refractory Tourette syndrome. Since 1999, more than 100 patients have undergone DBS at various targets within the corticostriatothalamocortical network thought to be implicated in the underlying pathophysiology of Tourette syndrome. Future multicenter clinical trials and the use of a centralized online database to compare the results are necessary to determine the efficacy of DBS for Tourette syndrome.
PMID: 24262904    doi: 10.1016/

BMAP Author

Nader Pouratian
Nader Pouratian M.D., Ph.D.