
Anatomical background and generalized detectability in tomosynthesis and cone-beam CT.

Gang GJ; Tward DJ; Lee J; Siewerdsen JH;
Medical physics. 2010-May; 37(1948-65):5
Anatomical background presents a major impediment to detectability in 2D radiography as well as 3D tomosynthesis and cone-beam CT (CBCT). This article incorporates theoretical and experimental analysis of anatomical background "noise" in cascaded systems analysis of 2D and 3D imaging performance to yield "generalized" metrics of noise-equivalent quanta (NEQ) and detectability index as a function of the orbital extent of the (circular arc) source-detector orbit.
PMID: 20527529    doi: 10.1118/1.3352586

BMAP Author

Daniel Tward
Daniel Tward Ph.D.