
Roger Woods
Roger P. Woods, M.D.
• Professor - David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Departments of Neurology and of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
• Director - UCLA Brain Mapping Center
Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center
660 Charles E Young Drive South
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 794-7406


Roger Woods is Professor of Neurology and of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and is the Director of the Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center. He received his B.A. in Chemistry summa cum laude from Washington University and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He trained clinically in Internal Medicine at the University of Washington and in Neurology at UCLA and has been a member of the Brain Mapping Center since its inception. His research interests include methods development for neuroimaging analysis, model systems of brain development, brain gene expression and imaging genetics.


Structural Plasticity of the Hippocampus and Amygdala Induced by Electroconvulsive Therapy in Major Depression.
Joshi SH; Espinoza RT; Pirnia T; Shi J; Wang Y; Ayers B; Leaver A; Woods RP; Narr KL;
Biological psychiatry. 2016-Feb-15;79(282-92):4
PMID: 25842202    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.02.029    PMCID: NIHMS669720 [Available on 02/15/17]
Alcohol exposure in utero is associated with decreased gray matter volume in neonates.
Donald KA; Fouche JP; Roos A; Koen N; Howells FM; Riley EP; Woods RP; Zar HJ; Narr KL; Stein DJ;
Metabolic brain disease. 2016-Feb;31(81-91):1
PMID: 26616173    DOI: 10.1007/s11011-015-9771-0   
Structural connectivity and response to ketamine therapy in major depression: A preliminary study.
Vasavada MM; Leaver AM; Espinoza RT; Joshi SH; Njau SN; Woods RP; Narr KL;
Journal of affective disorders. 2016-Jan-15;190(836-41)
PMID: 26630613    DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.11.018    PMCID: NIHMS739334 [Available on 01/15/17]
Interhemispheric Functional Brain Connectivity in Neonates with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Preliminary Findings.
Donald KA; Ipser JC; Howells FM; Roos A; Fouche JP; Riley EP; Koen N; Woods RP; Biswal B; Zar HJ; Narr KL; Stein DJ;
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2016-Jan;40(113-21):1
PMID: 26727529    DOI: 10.1111/acer.12930   
White Matter Microstructural Integrity and Neurobehavioral Outcome of HIV-Exposed Uninfected Neonates.
Tran LT; Roos A; Fouche JP; Koen N; Woods RP; Zar HJ; Narr KL; Stein DJ; Donald KA;
Medicine. 2016-Jan;95(e2577):4
PMID: 26825902    DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002577   
Neuroimaging effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing human brain: a magnetic resonance imaging review.
Donald KA; Eastman E; Howells FM; Adnams C; Riley EP; Woods RP; Narr KL; Stein DJ;
Acta neuropsychiatrica. 2015-Oct;27(251-69):5
PMID: 25780875    DOI: 10.1017/neu.2015.12   
Desynchronization and Plasticity of Striato-frontal Connectivity in Major Depressive Disorder.
Leaver AM; Espinoza R; Joshi SH; Vasavada M; Njau S; Woods RP; Narr KL;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2015-Sep-22;
PMID: 26400916    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhv207   
A study of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on white matter microstructural integrity at birth.
Donald KA; Roos A; Fouche JP; Koen N; Howells FM; Woods RP; Zar HJ; Narr KL; Stein DJ;
Acta neuropsychiatrica. 2015-Aug;27(197-205):4
PMID: 26022619    DOI: 10.1017/neu.2015.35   
Random Forest Classification of Depression Status Based On Subcortical Brain Morphometry Following Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Wade BS; Joshi SH; Pirnia T; Leaver AM; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Espinoza R; Narr KL;
Proceedings / IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. 2015-Apr;2015(92-96)
PMID: 26413200    DOI: 10.1109/ISBI.2015.7163824   
Hippocampal dysfunction during declarative memory encoding in schizophrenia and effects of genetic liability.
Pirnia T; Woods RP; Hamilton LS; Lyden H; Joshi SH; Asarnow RF; Nuechterlein KH; Narr KL;
Schizophrenia research. 2015-Feb;161(357-66):2-3
PMID: 25497222    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.11.030    PMCID: NIHMS645890
How many separable sources? Model selection in independent components analysis.
Woods RP; Hansen LK; Strother S;
PloS one. 2015-Dec;10(e0118877):3
PMID: 25811988    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118877    PMCID: PMC4374758
Electroconvulsive therapy mediates neuroplasticity of white matter microstructure in major depression.
Lyden H; Espinoza RT; Pirnia T; Clark K; Joshi SH; Leaver AM; Woods RP; Narr KL;
Translational psychiatry. 2014-Dec;4(e380)
PMID: 24713861    DOI: 10.1038/tp.2014.21    PMCID: PMC4012285
A tensor-based morphometry analysis of regional differences in brain volume in relation to prenatal alcohol exposure.
Meintjes EM; Narr KL; van der Kouwe AJ; Molteno CD; Pirnia T; Gutman B; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Jacobson JL; Jacobson SW;
NeuroImage. Clinical. 2014-Dec;5(152-60)
PMID: 25057467    DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.04.001    PMCID: PMC4097000
Relationships between gray matter, body mass index, and waist circumference in healthy adults.
Kurth F; Levitt JG; Phillips OR; Luders E; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW; Narr KL;
Human brain mapping. 2013-Jul;34(1737-46):7
PMID: 22419507    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22021   
Glutamate normalization with ECT treatment response in major depression.
Zhang J; Narr KL; Woods RP; Phillips OR; Alger JR; Espinoza RT;
Molecular psychiatry. 2013-Mar;18(268-70):3
PMID: 22565784    DOI: 10.1038/mp.2012.46   
Statistical shape analysis of the corpus callosum in Schizophrenia.
Joshi SH; Narr KL; Philips OR; Nuechterlein KH; Asarnow RF; Toga AW; Woods RP;
NeuroImage. 2013-Jan-1;64(547-59)
PMID: 23000788    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.09.024    PMCID: NIHMS408986
Superficial white matter: effects of age, sex, and hemisphere.
Phillips OR; Clark KA; Luders E; Azhir R; Joshi SH; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW; Narr KL;
Brain connectivity. 2013-Dec;3(146-59):2
PMID: 23461767    DOI: 10.1089/brain.2012.0111    PMCID: PMC3634148 [Available on 04/01/14]
Systems biology of the vervet monkey.
Jasinska AJ; Schmitt CA; Service SK; Cantor RM; Dewar K; Jentsch JD; Kaplan JR; Turner TR; Warren WC; Weinstock GM; Woods RP; Freimer NB;
ILAR journal / National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. 2013-Dec;54(122-43):2
PMID: 24174437    DOI: 10.1093/ilar/ilt049    PMCID: PMC3814400
The Measurement of Local Variation in Shape.
Márquez EJ; Cabeen R; Woods RP; Houle D;
Evolutionary biology. 2012-Sep-1;39(419-439):3
PMID: 23180896    DOI: 10.1007/s11692-012-9159-6   
Diffeomorphic sulcal shape analysis on the cortex.
Joshi SH; Cabeen RP; Joshi AA; Sun B; Dinov I; Narr KL; Toga AW; Woods RP;
IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2012-Jun;31(1195-212):6
PMID: 22328177    DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2012.2186975   
The Center for Computational Biology: resources, achievements, and challenges.
Toga AW; Dinov ID; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Van Horn JD; Shattuck DW; Parker DS;
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2011-Nov-10;19(202-6):2
PMID: 22081221    DOI: 10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000525    PMCID: PMC3277626
Topographical relationships between arcuate fasciculus connectivity and cortical thickness.
Phillips OR; Clark KA; Woods RP; Subotnik KL; Asarnow RF; Nuechterlein KH; Toga AW; Narr KL;
Human brain mapping. 2011-Nov;32(1788-801):11
PMID: 20886580    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.21147    PMCID: NIHMS241233
Mapping corticocortical structural integrity in schizophrenia and effects of genetic liability.
Phillips OR; Nuechterlein KH; Asarnow RF; Clark KA; Cabeen R; Yang Y; Woods RP; Toga AW; Narr KL;
Biological psychiatry. 2011-Oct-1;70(680-9):7
PMID: 21571255    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.03.039    PMCID: NIHMS405272
Diminished gray matter within the hypothalamus in autism disorder: a potential link to hormonal effects?
Kurth F; Narr KL; Woods RP; O'Neill J; Alger JR; Caplan R; McCracken JT; Toga AW; Levitt JG;
Biological psychiatry. 2011-Aug-1;70(278-82):3
PMID: 21531390    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.03.026    PMCID: NIHMS286131
Mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy as indicators of disease and genetic liability to schizophrenia.
Clark KA; Nuechterlein KH; Asarnow RF; Hamilton LS; Phillips OR; Hageman NS; Woods RP; Alger JR; Toga AW; Narr KL;
Journal of psychiatric research. 2011-Jul;45(980-8):7
PMID: 21306734    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2011.01.006    PMCID: NIHMS272278
Planum temporale grey matter asymmetries in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), vervet (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and bonnet (Macaca radiata) monkeys.
Lyn H; Pierre P; Bennett AJ; Fears S; Woods R; Hopkins WD;
Neuropsychologia. 2011-Jun;49(2004-12):7
PMID: 21447349    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.03.030    PMCID: NIHMS292162
A web-based brain atlas of the vervet monkey, Chlorocebus aethiops.
Woods RP; Fears SC; Jorgensen MJ; Fairbanks LA; Toga AW; Freimer NB;
NeuroImage. 2011-Feb-1;54(1872-80):3
PMID: 20923706    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.09.070    PMCID: NIHMS242654
Superficially located white matter structures commonly seen in the human and the macaque brain with diffusion tensor imaging.
Oishi K; Huang H; Yoshioka T; Ying SH; Zee DS; Zilles K; Amunts K; Woods R; Toga AW; Pike GB; Rosa-Neto P; Evans AC; van Zijl PC; Mazziotta JC; Mori S;
Brain connectivity. 2011-Dec;1(37-47):1
PMID: 22432953    DOI: 10.1089/brain.2011.0005    PMCID: NIHMS405270
Anatomic brain asymmetry in vervet monkeys.
Fears SC; Scheibel K; Abaryan Z; Lee C; Service SK; Jorgensen MJ; Fairbanks LA; Cantor RM; Freimer NB; Woods RP;
PloS one. 2011-Dec;6(e28243):12
PMID: 22205941    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028243    PMCID: PMC3244392
Atlas-guided tract reconstruction for automated and comprehensive examination of the white matter anatomy.
Zhang Y; Zhang J; Oishi K; Faria AV; Jiang H; Li X; Akhter K; Rosa-Neto P; Pike GB; Evans A; Toga AW; Woods R; Mazziotta JC; Miller MI; van Zijl PC; Mori S;
NeuroImage. 2010-Oct-1;52(1289-301):4
PMID: 20570617    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.049    PMCID: NIHMS208645
Diffeomorphic Sulcal Shape Analysis for Cortical Surface Registration.
Joshi SH; Cabeen RP; Joshi AA; Woods RP; Narr KL; Toga AW;
Proceedings / CVPR, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2010-Jun-1;13-18 June(475-482)
PMID: 21076690    DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540177   
Wakefulness and loss of awareness: brain and brainstem interaction in the vegetative state.
Silva S; Alacoque X; Fourcade O; Samii K; Marque P; Woods R; Mazziotta J; Chollet F; Loubinoux I;
Neurology. 2010-Jan-26;74(313-20):4
PMID: 20101037    DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181cbcd96    PMCID: PMC3462476
Neuroimaging study designs, computational analyses and data provenance using the LONI pipeline.
Dinov I; Lozev K; Petrosyan P; Liu Z; Eggert P; Pierce J; Zamanyan A; Chakrapani S; Van Horn J; Parker DS; Magsipoc R; Leung K; Gutman B; Woods R; Toga A;
PloS one. 2010-Dec;5:9
PMID: 20927408    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013070    PMCID: PMC2946935
Cortical sulcal atlas construction using a diffeomorphic mapping approach.
Joshi SH; Cabeen RP; Sun B; Joshi AA; Gutman B; Zamanyan A; Chakrapani S; Dinov I; Woods RP; Toga AW;
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2010-Dec;13(357-66):Pt 1
PMID: 20879251    DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540177   
Alterations in functional activation in euthymic bipolar disorder and schizophrenia during a working memory task.
Hamilton LS; Altshuler LL; Townsend J; Bookheimer SY; Phillips OR; Fischer J; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW; Nuechterlein KH; Narr KL;
Human brain mapping. 2009-Dec;30(3958-69):12
PMID: 19449330    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20820    PMCID: NIHMS120376
Identification of brain transcriptional variation reproduced in peripheral blood: an approach for mapping brain expression traits.
Jasinska AJ; Service S; Choi OW; DeYoung J; Grujic O; Kong SY; Jorgensen MJ; Bailey J; Breidenthal S; Fairbanks LA; Woods RP; Jentsch JD; Freimer NB;
Human molecular genetics. 2009-Nov-15;18(4415-27):22
PMID: 19692348    DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddp397    PMCID: PMC2766297
DTNBP1 is associated with imaging phenotypes in schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Szeszko PR; Lencz T; Woods RP; Hamilton LS; Phillips O; Robinson D; Burdick KE; DeRosse P; Kucherlapati R; Thompson PM; Toga AW; Malhotra AK; Bilder RM;
Human brain mapping. 2009-Nov;30(3783-94):11
PMID: 19449336    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20806    PMCID: NIHMS110795
Widespread cortical thinning is a robust anatomical marker for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Narr KL; Woods RP; Lin J; Kim J; Phillips OR; Del'Homme M; Caplan R; Toga AW; McCracken JT; Levitt JG;
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2009-Oct;48(1014-22):10
PMID: 19730275    DOI: 10.1097/CHI.0b013e3181b395c0    PMCID: NIHMS139337
Evaluation of 14 nonlinear deformation algorithms applied to human brain MRI registration.
Klein A; Andersson J; Ardekani BA; Ashburner J; Avants B; Chiang MC; Christensen GE; Collins DL; Gee J; Hellier P; Song JH; Jenkinson M; Lepage C; Rueckert D; Thompson P; Vercauteren T; Woods RP; Mann JJ; Parsey RV;
NeuroImage. 2009-Jul-1;46(786-802):3
PMID: 19195496    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.12.037    PMCID: NIHMS130679
Identifying heritable brain phenotypes in an extended pedigree of vervet monkeys.
Fears SC; Melega WP; Service SK; Lee C; Chen K; Tu Z; Jorgensen MJ; Fairbanks LA; Cantor RM; Freimer NB; Woods RP;
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2009-Mar-4;29(2867-75):9
PMID: 19261882    DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5153-08.2009    PMCID: NIHMS99585
Mean diffusivity: a biomarker for CSF-related disease and genetic liability effects in schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Hageman N; Woods RP; Hamilton LS; Clark K; Phillips O; Shattuck DW; Asarnow RF; Toga AW; Nuechterlein KH;
Psychiatry research. 2009-Jan-30;171(20-32):1
PMID: 19081707    DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2008.03.008    PMCID: NIHMS92131
Reliable assessment of lower limb motor representations with fMRI: use of a novel MR compatible device for real-time monitoring of ankle, knee and hip torques.
Newton JM; Dong Y; Hidler J; Plummer-D'Amato P; Marehbian J; Albistegui-Dubois RM; Woods RP; Dobkin BH;
NeuroImage. 2008-Oct-15;43(136-46):1
PMID: 18675363    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.07.001    PMCID: NIHMS74463
Provenance in neuroimaging.
Mackenzie-Graham AJ; Van Horn JD; Woods RP; Crawford KL; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 2008-Aug-1;42(178-95):1
PMID: 18519166    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.04.186    PMCID: NIHMS63495
Regional cortical thinning in subjects with violent antisocial personality disorder or schizophrenia.
Narayan VM; Narr KL; Kumari V; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Toga AW; Sharma T;
The American journal of psychiatry. 2007-Sep;164(1418-27):9
PMID: 17728428    DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2007.06101631    PMCID: NIHMS327318
Relationships between IQ and regional cortical gray matter thickness in healthy adults.
Narr KL; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Szeszko P; Robinson D; Dimtcheva T; Gurbani M; Toga AW; Bilder RM;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2007-Sep;17(2163-71):9
PMID: 17118969    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhl125   
Sex differences in cortical thickness mapped in 176 healthy individuals between 7 and 87 years of age.
Sowell ER; Peterson BS; Kan E; Woods RP; Yoshii J; Bansal R; Xu D; Zhu H; Thompson PM; Toga AW;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2007-Jul;17(1550-60):7
PMID: 16945978    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhl066    PMCID: NIHMS44413
Asymmetries of cortical shape: Effects of handedness, sex and schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Bilder RM; Luders E; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Robinson D; Szeszko PR; Dimtcheva T; Gurbani M; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 2007-Feb-1;34(939-48):3
PMID: 17166743    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.08.052    PMCID: NIHMS327494
Automatic segmentation of left and right cerebral hemispheres from MRI brain volumes using the graph cuts algorithm.
Liang L; Rehm K; Woods RP; Rottenberg DA;
NeuroImage. 2007-Feb-1;34(1160-70):3
PMID: 17150376    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.07.046   
Normal variants of Microcephalin and ASPM do not account for brain size variability.
Woods RP; Freimer NB; De Young JA; Fears SC; Sicotte NL; Service SK; Valentino DJ; Toga AW; Mazziotta JC;
Human molecular genetics. 2006-Jun-15;15(2025-9):12
PMID: 16687438    DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddl126   
Gender effects on cortical thickness and the influence of scaling.
Luders E; Narr KL; Thompson PM; Rex DE; Woods RP; Deluca H; Jancke L; Toga AW;
Human brain mapping. 2006-Apr;27(314-24):4
PMID: 16124013    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20187   
Regional specificity of cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in first episode schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Bilder RM; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Szeszko P; Robinson D; Ballmaier M; Messenger B; Wang Y; Toga AW;
Psychiatry research. 2006-Jan-30;146(21-33):1
PMID: 16386409    DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2005.10.005   
Impact of acquisition protocols and processing streams on tissue segmentation of T1 weighted MR images.
Clark KA; Woods RP; Rottenberg DA; Toga AW; Mazziotta JC;
NeuroImage. 2006-Jan-1;29(185-202):1
PMID: 16139526    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.07.035   
Automated brain tissue assessment in the elderly and demented population: construction and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic brain atlas.
Mega MS; Dinov ID; Mazziotta JC; Manese M; Thompson PM; Lindshield C; Moussai J; Tran N; Olsen K; Zoumalan CI; Woods RP; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 2005-Jul-15;26(1009-18):4
PMID: 15908234    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.03.031   
Cortical thinning in cingulate and occipital cortices in first episode schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Toga AW; Szeszko P; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Robinson D; Sevy S; Wang Y; Schrock K; Bilder RM;
Biological psychiatry. 2005-Jul-1;58(32-40):1
PMID: 15992520    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.03.043   
Mapping cortical thickness and gray matter concentration in first episode schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Bilder RM; Toga AW; Woods RP; Rex DE; Szeszko PR; Robinson D; Sevy S; Gunduz-Bruce H; Wang YP; DeLuca H; Thompson PM;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2005-Jun;15(708-19):6
PMID: 15371291    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhh172   
Mapping cortical gray matter in the young adult brain: effects of gender.
Luders E; Narr KL; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Rex DE; Jancke L; Steinmetz H; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 2005-Jun;26(493-501):2
PMID: 15907306    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.02.010   
Mapping structural differences of the corpus callosum in individuals with 18q deletions using targetless regional spatial normalization.
Kochunov P; Lancaster J; Hardies J; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Cody JD; Hale DE; Laird A; Fox PT;
Human brain mapping. 2005-Apr;24(325-31):4
PMID: 15704090    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20090   
A meta-algorithm for brain extraction in MRI.
Rex DE; Shattuck DW; Woods RP; Narr KL; Luders E; Rehm K; Stoltzner SE; Stolzner SE; Rottenberg DA; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 2004-Oct;23(625-37):2
PMID: 15488412    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.06.019   
Regional specificity of hippocampal volume reductions in first-episode schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Thompson PM; Szeszko P; Robinson D; Jang S; Woods RP; Kim S; Hayashi KM; Asunction D; Toga AW; Bilder RM;
NeuroImage. 2004-Apr;21(1563-75):4
PMID: 15050580    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.11.011   
Increases in regional subarachnoid CSF without apparent cortical gray matter deficits in schizophrenia: modulating effects of sex and age.
Narr KL; Sharma T; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Sowell ER; Rex D; Kim S; Asuncion D; Jang S; Mazziotta J; Toga AW;
The American journal of psychiatry. 2003-Dec;160(2169-80):12
PMID: 14638587    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.11.011   
Relationships between sulcal asymmetries and corpus callosum size: gender and handedness effects.
Luders E; Rex DE; Narr KL; Woods RP; Jancke L; Thompson PM; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2003-Oct;13(1084-93):10
PMID: 12967925    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.11.011   
Multitracer: a Java-based tool for anatomic delineation of grayscale volumetric images.
Woods RP;
NeuroImage. 2003-Aug;19(1829-34):4
PMID: 12948737    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.11.011   
Characterizing volume and surface deformations in an atlas framework: theory, applications, and implementation.
Woods RP;
NeuroImage. 2003-Mar;18(769-88):3
PMID: 12667854    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.11.011   
Modulation of cortical activity during different imitative behaviors.
Koski L; Iacoboni M; Dubeau MC; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of neurophysiology. 2003-Jan;89(460-71):1
PMID: 12522194    DOI: 10.1152/jn.00248.2002   
A twin study of genetic contributions to hippocampal morphology in schizophrenia.
Narr KL; van Erp TG; Cannon TD; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Jang S; Blanton R; Poutanen VP; Huttunen M; Lönnqvist J; Standerksjöld-Nordenstam CG; Kaprio J; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW;
Neurobiology of disease. 2002-Oct;11(83-95):1
PMID: 12460548    DOI: 10.1152/jn.00248.2002   
Modulation of motor and premotor activity during imitation of target-directed actions.
Koski L; Wohlschläger A; Bekkering H; Woods RP; Dubeau MC; Mazziotta JC; Iacoboni M;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2002-Aug;12(847-55):8
PMID: 12122033    DOI: 10.1152/jn.00248.2002   
Genetic contributions to altered callosal morphology in schizophrenia.
Narr KL; Cannon TD; Woods RP; Thompson PM; Kim S; Asunction D; van Erp TG; Poutanen VP; Huttunen M; Lönnqvist J; Standerksjöld-Nordenstam CG; Kaprio J; Mazziotta JC; Toga AW;
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2002-May-1;22(3720-9):9
PMID: 11978848    DOI: 20026309   
Quantitative comparison and analysis of brain image registration using frequency-adaptive wavelet shrinkage.
Dinov ID; Mega MS; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Sumners DL; Sowell EL; Toga AW;
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2002-Mar;6(73-85):1
PMID: 11936599    DOI: 20026309   
Diffusion-perfusion MRI characterization of post-recanalization hyperperfusion in humans.
Kidwell CS; Saver JL; Mattiello J; Starkman S; Vinuela F; Duckwiler G; Gobin YP; Jahan R; Vespa P; Villablanca JP; Liebeskind DS; Woods RP; Alger JR;
Neurology. 2001-Dec-11;57(2015-21):11
PMID: 11739819    DOI: 20026309   
Reafferent copies of imitated actions in the right superior temporal cortex.
Iacoboni M; Koski LM; Brass M; Bekkering H; Woods RP; Dubeau MC; Mazziotta JC; Rizzolatti G;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2001-Nov-20;98(13995-9):24
PMID: 11717457    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.241474598    PMCID: PMC61155
Cortical change in Alzheimer's disease detected with a disease-specific population-based brain atlas.
Thompson PM; Mega MS; Woods RP; Zoumalan CI; Lindshield CJ; Blanton RE; Moussai J; Holmes CJ; Cummings JL; Toga AW;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2001-Jan;11(1-16):1
PMID: 11113031    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.241474598   
Growth patterns in the developing brain detected by using continuum mechanical tensor maps.
Thompson PM; Giedd JN; Woods RP; MacDonald D; Evans AC; Toga AW;
Nature. 2000-Mar-9;404(190-3):6774
PMID: 10724172    DOI: 10.1038/35004593   
Analyzing functional brain images in a probabilistic atlas: a validation of subvolume thresholding.
Dinov ID; Mega MS; Thompson PM; Lee L; Woods RP; Holmes CJ; Sumners DW; Toga AW;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 2000-Feb-10;24(128-38):1
PMID: 10667672    DOI: 10.1038/35004593   
Mathematical/computational challenges in creating deformable and probabilistic atlases of the human brain.
Thompson PM; Woods RP; Mega MS; Toga AW;
Human brain mapping. 2000-Feb;9(81-92):2
PMID: 10680765    DOI: 10.1038/35004593   
Cortical mechanisms of human imitation.
Iacoboni M; Woods RP; Brass M; Bekkering H; Mazziotta JC; Rizzolatti G;
Science (New York, N.Y.). 1999-Dec-24;286(2526-8):5449
PMID: 10617472    DOI: 10.1038/35004593   
Handedness in twins: a meta-analysis.
Sicotte NL; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC;
Laterality. 1999-Jul;4(265-86):3
PMID: 15513117    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Creation and use of a Talairach-compatible atlas for accurate, automated, nonlinear intersubject registration, and analysis of functional imaging data.
Woods RP; Dapretto M; Sicotte NL; Toga AW; Mazziotta JC;
Human brain mapping. 1999-Dec;8(73-9):2-3
PMID: 10524595    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Bimodal (auditory and visual) left frontoparietal circuitry for sensorimotor integration and sensorimotor learning.
Iacoboni M; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC;
Brain : a journal of neurology. 1998-Nov;121 ( Pt 11)(2135-43)
PMID: 9827773    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Topographical and temporal specificity of human intraoperative optical intrinsic signals.
Cannestra AF; Black KL; Martin NA; Cloughesy T; Burton JS; Rubinstein E; Woods RP; Toga AW;
Neuroreport. 1998-Aug-3;9(2557-63):11
PMID: 9721932    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Automated image registration: II. Intersubject validation of linear and nonlinear models.
Woods RP; Grafton ST; Watson JD; Sicotte NL; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1998-Feb-10;22(153-65):1
PMID: 9448780    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Automated image registration: I. General methods and intrasubject, intramodality validation.
Woods RP; Grafton ST; Holmes CJ; Cherry SR; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1998-Feb-10;22(139-52):1
PMID: 9448779    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Prolonged treatment with biologic agents for malignant glioma: a case study with high dose tamoxifen.
Cloughesy TF; Woods RP; Black KL; Couldwell WT; Law RE; Hinton DR;
Journal of neuro-oncology. 1997-Oct;35(39-45):1
PMID: 9266439    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Merging of oculomotor and somatomotor space coding in the human right precentral gyrus.
Iacoboni M; Woods RP; Lenzi GL; Mazziotta JC;
Brain : a journal of neurology. 1997-Sep;120 ( Pt 9)(1635-45)
PMID: 9313645    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques.
West J; Fitzpatrick JM; Wang MY; Dawant BM; Maurer CR; Kessler RM; Maciunas RJ; Barillot C; Lemoine D; Collignon A; Maes F; Suetens P; Vandermeulen D; van den Elsen PA; Napel S; Sumanaweera TS; Harkness B; Hemler PF; Hill DL; Hawkes DJ; Studholme C; Maintz JB; Viergever MA; Malandain G; Woods RP;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1997-Jul-31;21(554-66):4
PMID: 9216759    DOI: 10.1080/713754339   
Mapping histology to metabolism: coregistration of stained whole-brain sections to premortem PET in Alzheimer's disease.
Mega MS; Chen SS; Thompson PM; Woods RP; Karaca TJ; Tiwari A; Vinters HV; Small GW; Toga AW;
NeuroImage. 1997-Feb;5(147-53):2
PMID: 9345544    DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1996.0255   
A locus in human extrastriate cortex for visual shape analysis.
Kanwisher N; Woods RP; Iacoboni M; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 1997-Jan;9(133-42):1
PMID: 23968185    DOI: 10.1162/jocn.1997.9.1.133   
Intersubject analysis of fMRI data using spatial normalization.
Zeffiro TA; Eden GF; Woods RP; VanMeter JW;
Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 1997-Dec;413(235-40)
PMID: 9238505    DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1996.0255   
Accurate registration of serial 3D MR brain images and its application to visualizing change in neurodegenerative disorders.
Freeborough PA; Woods RP; Fox NC;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1996-Dec-31;20(1012-22):6
PMID: 8933812    DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1996.0058   
Modeling for intergroup comparisons of imaging data.
Woods RP;
NeuroImage. 1996-Dec;4(S84-94):3 Pt 3
PMID: 9345532    DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1996.0058   
Functional anatomy of pointing and grasping in humans.
Grafton ST; Fagg AH; Woods RP; Arbib MA;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 1996-Nov-27;6(226-37):2
PMID: 8670653    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410390407   
Role of posterior parietal cortex in the recalibration of visually guided reaching.
Clower DM; Hoffman JM; Votaw JR; Faber TL; Woods RP; Alexander GE;
Nature. 1996-Oct-17;383(618-21):6601
PMID: 8857536    DOI: 10.1038/383618a0   
Abnormal processing of visual motion in dyslexia revealed by functional brain imaging.
Eden GF; VanMeter JW; Rumsey JM; Maisog JM; Woods RP; Zeffiro TA;
Nature. 1996-Jul-4;382(66-9):6586
PMID: 8657305    DOI: 10.1038/382066a0   
Brain-behavior relationships: evidence from practice effects in spatial stimulus-response compatibility.
Iacoboni M; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of neurophysiology. 1996-Jul;76(321-31):1
PMID: 8836228    DOI: 10.1038/382066a0   
Regional metabolic correlates of surgical outcome following unilateral pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease.
Eidelberg D; Moeller JR; Ishikawa T; Dhawan V; Spetsieris P; Silbersweig D; Stern E; Woods RP; Fazzini E; Dogali M; Beric A;
Annals of neurology. 1996-Apr;39(450-9):4
PMID: 8619523    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410390407   
Intersubject variability in functional neuroanatomy of silent verb generation: assessment by a new activation detection algorithm based on amplitude and size information.
Crivello F; Tzourio N; Poline JB; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Mazoyer B;
NeuroImage. 1995-Dec;2(253-63):4
PMID: 9343610    DOI: 10.1006/nimg.1995.1033   
Functional MR and PET imaging of rolandic and visual cortices for neurosurgical planning.
Fried I; Nenov VI; Ojemann SG; Woods RP;
Journal of neurosurgery. 1995-Nov;83(854-61):5
PMID: 7472554    DOI: 10.3171/jns.1995.83.5.0854   
Effects of stimulus rate on regional cerebral blood flow after median nerve stimulation.
Ibáñez V; Deiber MP; Sadato N; Toro C; Grissom J; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Hallett M;
Brain : a journal of neurology. 1995-Oct;118 ( Pt 5)(1339-51)
PMID: 7496791    DOI: 10.3171/jns.1995.83.5.0854   
Principal component analysis and the scaled subprofile model compared to intersubject averaging and statistical parametric mapping: I. "Functional connectivity" of the human motor system studied with [15O]water PET.
Strother SC; Anderson JR; Schaper KA; Sidtis JJ; Liow JS; Woods RP; Rottenberg DA;
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 1995-Sep;15(738-53):5
PMID: 7673369    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1995.95   
Recovery from Wernicke's aphasia: a positron emission tomographic study.
Weiller C; Isensee C; Rijntjes M; Huber W; Müller S; Bier D; Dutschka K; Woods RP; Noth J; Diener HC;
Annals of neurology. 1995-Jun;37(723-32):6
PMID: 7778845    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410370605   
Improved signal-to-noise in PET activation studies using switched paradigms.
Cherry SR; Woods RP; Doshi NK; Banerjee PK; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 1995-Feb;36(307-14):2
PMID: 7830136    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410370605   
Brief report: bilateral spreading cerebral hypoperfusion during spontaneous migraine headache.
Woods RP; Iacoboni M; Mazziotta JC;
The New England journal of medicine. 1994-Dec-22;331(1689-92):25
PMID: 7969360    DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199412223312505   
Parceling of mesial frontal motor areas during ideation and movement using functional magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 tesla.
Tyszka JM; Grafton ST; Chew W; Woods RP; Colletti PM;
Annals of neurology. 1994-Jun;35(746-9):6
PMID: 8210233    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410350617   
Localization of motor areas adjacent to arteriovenous malformations. A positron emission tomographic study.
Grafton ST; Martin NA; Mazziotta JC; Woods RP; Vinuela F; Phelps ME;
Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging. 1994-Apr;4(97-103):2
PMID: 8186537    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410350617   
Functional imaging of procedural motor learning: Relating cerebral blood flow with individual subject performance.
Grafton ST; Woods RP; Tyszka M;
Human brain mapping. 1994-Dec;1(221-34):3
PMID: 24578042    DOI: 10.1002/hbm.460010307   
MRI-PET registration with automated algorithm.
Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Cherry SR;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1993-Aug-13;17(536-46):4
PMID: 8331222    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Improved detection of focal cerebral blood flow changes using three-dimensional positron emission tomography.
Cherry SR; Woods RP; Hoffman EJ; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 1993-Jul;13(630-8):4
PMID: 8314916    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Area V5 of the human brain: evidence from a combined study using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Watson JD; Myers R; Frackowiak RS; Hajnal JV; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Shipp S; Zeki S;
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 1993-Jun-16;3(79-94):2
PMID: 8490322    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Within-arm somatotopy in human motor areas determined by positron emission tomography imaging of cerebral blood flow.
Grafton ST; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC;
Experimental brain research. 1993-Dec;95(172-6):1
PMID: 8405250    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Rapid automated algorithm for aligning and reslicing PET images.
Woods RP; Cherry SR; Mazziotta JC;
Journal of computer assisted tomography. 1992-Aug-20;16(620-33):4
PMID: 1629424    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Human functional anatomy of visually guided finger movements.
Grafton ST; Mazziotta JC; Woods RP; Phelps ME;
Brain : a journal of neurology. 1992-Apr;115 ( Pt 2)(565-87)
PMID: 1606482    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Somatotopic mapping of the primary motor cortex in humans: activation studies with cerebral blood flow and positron emission tomography.
Grafton ST; Woods RP; Mazziotta JC; Phelps ME;
Journal of neurophysiology. 1991-Sep;66(735-43):3
PMID: 1753284    DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.81   
Brain injury, handedness, and speech lateralization in a series of amobarbital studies.
Woods RP; Dodrill CB; Ojemann GA;
Annals of neurology. 1988-May;23(510-8):5
PMID: 3389757    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410230514   
Brain asymmetries in situs inversus. A case report and review of the literature.
Woods RP;
Archives of neurology. 1986-Oct;43(1083-4):10
PMID: 3753269    DOI: 10.1002/ana.410230514